

Being a dog” Review Quotes

Tom est un être humain solitaire qui lutte chaque jour contre l'exclusion. Chaque fois que Tim se sent différent des autres, il se transforme en bouledogue français 🐶. Un jour, il revoit son amie Ginger dont il était amoureux par le passé, et essaye cette fois de profiter de sa malédiction.

Dans un clin d’œil évident au style de Tim
#Burton, Felix Swahn réalise « Being a dog ». Ce court métrage d’#animation aux allures effrayantes renferme pourtant un message d’acceptation de soi et de l’autre.

— Paris in love film festival

“A funny, creative story with a dark and sarcastic tone. An expressionist and artistic animation-style. A creative way of expressing a personal perspective, with fluid, changing animation contributing to the overall experience of discomfort. The style reminds you of musical poems from creators like Tom Waits and Nick Cave. The craft looks still to be searching for clarity, typical for a younger creator. Have the potential of a new voice.”

— Balkan New Film Festival

“Phenomenal black and white animation! The script is very attractive to viewers. Character designs and excellent backgrounds taking care of all the details. Very suggestive and effective animated movements. Cinematographic direction of enormous quality taking care of the artistic and technical details. Cool!”

— Europa Film Festival

“Dramatic animated short film of enormous quality. The characters have a changing design that magnetizes the attentions of the spectators. Black and white further emphasizes the intensity of the story it tells us. Intelligent and dynamic script. Sensational animations and perfect setting. A very interesting and attractive cinematographic work.”

— Experimental Film Festival

“Fantastic genre animation excellently done. Very interesting and original drawings. Precise and well structured animations. Black and white highlights the drama of the script. Excellent voiceovers for dialogues. Artistic and technical direction very focused on its objective: to train the public, who enjoys this film!”

— Fantastic Film Festival

“A short film worthy of Tim Burton’s best works, Felix Swahn’s unmistakable style and cinematic vision make him a unique talent and a rising star in the independent circuit.”


“Felix Swahn is the clear successor to Tim Burton, plain and simple. At least he is the closest we remember to the acclaimed american film director. His ability to tell his story by creating a universe as unique as his own and characters that reflect an overwhelming humility make this a cult masterpiece.”


“Felix wraps us in an animated story of fantastic drama. We got caught up in the authentic magic of this film. With very attractive and charismatic characters and an excellent and powerful script. Perfect cinematographic direction, taking care of each frame and creating a setting that is as precise as it is creative. Super cool!”

— Stop Motion Film Festival

“Excellent animated short film. The style of the drawings is very original and attractive. With few colors (why do you need more if the cinematographic work is so fabulous?) the author creates his own universe of characters, with a very well narrated story. Perfectly structured script. Superlative artisitic direction. Cool!”

— Teknochat Film Festival

“Perceptive, bold and moving - this short film boasts an impressive animation style comboed with a bold sense of narrative.”

— The Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards

The protagonist conveys his inner feelings to the woman in a way that touches me deeply. The animation is spotless and very well done, the plot sits like a charm and I get warm all over my body with happiness.”

— jontestribrant-61264, IMDB

I have enjoyed the film;it's quite impressive for its unique images.”

— Allabhya Ghosh

A strange and very personal work. The merit resides, precisely, in that strangeness that defines its own style. I had never seen anything like this before.”

— Joel D. Hitos

“Not a big fan of the visuals and animation there, i was confused by them at first, the dialogue itself is good but very basic The expressions on the characters face are great and well rendered even if sometimes they are scary I found also a lack of background plans camera to really well put the action in place and understand well.”

— hermann kayode

Story 5.62

Acting 4.50

Directing 5.60

Camerawork 5.70

Impressiveness 5.57

Music 7.76

— Live Screenings Film Festival (Georgia)

Story 6.21

Acting 5.71

Directing 6.29

Camerawork 6.71

Impressiveness 5.93

Music 6.50

— Featured Live Screenings Film Festival